In view of the needs of the industry to ensure the care of people and their assets, geotechnical monitoring of mines and infrastructure takes a leading role in the daily development of the mine and its production.

Geobim Solutions S.A. and its professionals offer a service with the highest industry standards, proposing the geotechnical monitoring service, in addition to other services that are described as part of the continuous improvement of said process.

  • Remote or local geotechnical monitoring in real time of the stability conditions of slopes and key structures in operational processes of the mine, focused on detecting and monitoring sectors and areas at risk of formation of instabilities, based on the deformation data obtained of the various geotechnical monitoring systems provided by mining companies.
  • Provision of geotechnical deformation alarm systems and protocols aimed at providing security to people and structures in the face of the threat of geotechnical instability. Active contribution to operational continuity and development of mining plans of companies. Reception of data from all strategic and contingency geotechnical monitoring systems provided by the companies.
  • Reception of data from all strategic and contingency geotechnical monitoring systems provided by the companies.
  • Communication and data transmission system that allows for a 24/7 response to the needs of the mine, within the framework of the remote geotechnical monitoring service for the stability of slopes and structures.
  • Secure and permanent storage of data obtained from monitoring systems, for use during remote or local surveillance processes and geotechnical analysis of the stability of slopes and structures.
  • Delivery of timely and quality information towards the operation, with the main objective of providing security to people and infrastructure, in addition to providing operational continuity in the development of mining plans at work.
  • Reportability of geotechnical deformation events under different levels of criticality, subject to protocols and procedures built based on the internal definition of geotechnical deformation thresholds specific to each company. Development of monitoring and reportability standards adjusted to the geological-geotechnical reality of pits and critical structures.


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